Sunday, July 10, 2011

Summer Stay-at-Home Mom...

     When I first got a teaching job, I loved it and for the most part I enjoyed going to work everyday. Twenty months ago my feelings began to change. After I had Ruby, I dreaded the thought of being away from her all day. My maternity leave flew by and before I knew it, I was back to work. It was the hardest thing ever to leave her all day, but the bills had to get paid somehow. 
     Last summer and now this summer break with her, I am realizing all of the things I miss out on during the school year. It makes me so sad to see how fast she is growing up and I miss so much of it when I am working. As the upcoming school year approaches, I am having to try to find childcare for my daughter. The thought of paying someone to spend time with Ruby breaks my heart because I so badly want to spend that time with her... I know financially we cannot afford for me to be a stay-at-home mom, but I can still dream, right? 
     This summer has been a tease for what it could be like to spend my days at home with Ruby. I hope she knows as she grows up how much I love spending time with her. I still love working with children, I would just prefer to be with my own all day. I honestly can't imagine having a year round job. Anytime I get upset about this, I just remind myself that I'll always have my summers with her and I have to savor every moment... 

My flower child...


Lauren {whimsy lane} said...

I feel ya. I teach too (pre-k) and I'm so spoiled during the summers, but it's hard on us financially too. My etsy shop has been a big help, so I'm {kind of} working during the summer doing that, but our little ones change so much day by day that it does stink being away from them. On the bright side, in addition to summers and winters off, we also have great hours! :)

Lauren {whimsy lane} said...

Oh, and thanks a ton for putting me on your blog list! Where's your follow box?

Three'sCompany said...

I loved reading your blog and your stuff on etsy is adorable, I can't wait to order some for Ruby! We definitely do have the most kid-friendly job for our own children. I think my "follow" link is on the very top of my page. Enjoy the rest of your summer!!!