Sunday, September 25, 2011

Fun at the Orchard...

Today we headed to the apple orchard with Scott's family. Ruby was so excited to pick "appies" as she likes to call them. She happily picked a few of them, but the minute she bit into one, she was more interested in eating her snack. She munched on a couple red apples the entire time were there. Every time I looked at her she was taking another bite... it was quite adorable. 

After an hour or two our big box was overflowing with apples and we were exhausted. We stopped to buy some caramel apples and a scrumptious looking apple pie. We enjoyed a quick lunch at the orchard with Scott's family and headed home. It was a perfect day spent with an amazing family.

Ruby and her Aunt Angela

Ruby and Daddy
Mommy and Ruby
Ruby and her appie!
Grandpa and Grandma

Silly Siblings

Thursday, September 15, 2011

22 Months...

Dear 22 Month-Old Ruby,

Here you are, another month older. I can't believe how big you are getting. This month you have been keeping mommy and daddy very busy. 

When you get ready to go somewhere or get ready for bed, you must have at least 10 of your stuffed animal friends with you. 

You love feeding the dogs. Whenever you notice their empty bowls you come running and yelling: "more please!"

Recently at daycare you got bit by the baby... as soon as I picked you up you told me all about it: "baby, arm," (then you pretended to bite your arm)

You still are not fond of bath time... hopefully one of these days you will sit and start to enjoy it. It is an exhausting process these days. 

Although you don't watch t.v. that often, you have enjoyed a few episodes of Backyardigans and Wonder Pets.

This month you went to your first wedding. You were adorable dancing at the reception and you got to hold your baby cousin Rilee... which you loved doing!

Lately you are into wearing mom and dads shoes around the house. It's cute watching you waddle around in our shoes. 

In two little months we will be having the best puppy birthday party ever!

I love you forever!

Love, Mom

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Just Around The Corner...

This week we have had some almost chilly weather. I love fall, it has always been my favorite season and it's just around the corner. I am so excited for all of the fall fun ahead this year with Ruby, Scott and the rest of my family... 

     Picking apples at the orchard 

          Nebraska football games

             Visiting the pumpkin patch

                Chilly weather and the changing colors outdoors
                    Halloween costumes and parties

                       Taking Ruby trick-or-treating for the first time

                           Scary movies

                              The smell of a bonfire

                                  Jumping in the leaves 

                                     Ruby's second birthday "paw"ty


So many great things to look forward to!


Thursday, September 1, 2011


Eight years and 9 months ago I lost one of my best friends, my sister Jessica. Losing her was the hardest thing I have ever gone through. What we thought would be a quick trip to the hospital for some medicine, turned out the be the scariest three weeks of my life. Almost nine years later, I still remember it like it was yesterday. 

Jessica had been sick for a few weeks. She was coughing so hard that she was passing out and getting terrible bruises all over her body. She would go to the doctor and get antibiotics that never seemed to help. One morning Jessica woke up and she was completely blind. My mom and dad panicked then quickly took her to the emergency room. The next day our worst fears were confirmed... cancer. She was diagnosed with leukemia, something I had only heard of on TV or in movies. 

The next few days were all a blur. She was put on high doses of chemotherapy. She kept her spirits up and was so appreciative of the care she was given. Soon she decided it was time to cut her beautiful hair, so when the time came for it to fall out, it wouldn't be so dramatic. Throughout her treatment, we had so much hope. I knew she was going to beat this. 

After several weeks, she had adjusted to this new lifestyle of living in the hospital. We celebrated her 22nd birthday. We decorated the room with a Christmas tree and I even got to have a sleepover. Although it wasn't the same as when we were little, spending that time with her was priceless to me. My sister and I got a chance to bond like we never had before. She was my big sister, so usually she was the one taking care of me. Now it was my turn to care for her.

Three long weeks into this ordeal, Jessica's health took a turn for the worse. The chemotherapy did it's job and killed the cancer cells, but it also killed all of her infection fighting cells. She developed pneumonia and was put on a ventilator. We prayed for a miracle. On December 1, 2002 my beautiful sister lost her battle with leukemia. I still haven't gotten over losing her and probably never will, but I have learned how to live without her here. Everyday I thank God for the time I was given with my sister and the memories we made. 

Now that I am a mommy, I cherish every moment I get to spend with my daughter and I never take a single moment for granted. So give your kids an extra hug and kiss tonight and make sure you tell them how much you love them while you have the chance. 

In honor of my sister this year I have signed up to volunteer at a center for grieving children. I couldn't be more excited to try to help make a difference in their lives. 

A really old photo...
    In Loving Memory of Jessica Kristine