Tuesday, July 19, 2011

20 Months...

Dear 20 Month Old Ruby,

This is a few days late... how the time flies! You are definitely a summer girl. As of yesterday you finally jumped in grandma's swimming pool. Well it was more of a lean over the side flop, but you wanted to do it over and over again. I loved the look on your face when you would hit the water... pure excitement! 

You are quite the talker these days too. Some of the cutest things you say are: "Here mom," "Darby Sue," "Papi" and "Roll Over!" I could sit and listen to you chat all day long. Lately you love to grab daddy's or mommy's cell phone and have the longest conversations on them.

You are officially mommy's little helper. When I unload the dishwasher you hand me all of the dishes to put away... you even know when the soap goes. You love to help feed the dogs, put laundry away, pick up toys, and help dad too. 

You have a such a zest for life and are always so happy... I hope you never lose that happy-go-lucky attitude. I'm going to miss spending these long summer days with you when work starts again.  I love you peanut!

Love, Mom

1 comment:

Lauren {whimsy lane} said...

I LOVE the name Ruby! And I'm not easily impressed when it comes to the names people pick for their children. Good job, and she's adorable too so it fits!