Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Nine Years Too Long...

Nine years ago tomorrow, my sister lost her battle with leukemia. Maybe the world wide web has a route to heaven so she can read this.  

Dear Jessica,
            Not a day goes by that we don’t think about you and wish you were still here.  I can’t believe that it has been almost a decade since I last saw your smiling face. Some days it feels like it has been forever. We have celebrated nine Christmases without you, nine New Years, nine Easters, nine winters, nine springs, nine summers and nine falls. We have lost more loved ones in that time and more loved ones have come into this world.
            Your first niece Ruby, just turned two. You would absolutely adore her. Tonight she was running around acting crazy when mom was over and mom quickly remarked, “She acts exactly like your sister used to.” It made me smile… although I hope she doesn’t act just like you. ;) Ruby and I talk about you often. She will grow up knowing how great of a person you were. Over the years I will share with her all of my favorite memories of you. I will tell her how you beat up the kid who threw worms in my hair. We will talk about how you helped the elderly woman who was hit by a car. I will tell her how I was in my first car accident with you while you were test-driving and totaling the red Camero. I have so many memories that I will never forget.
            You would be happy to know that we still keep in touch with your best friends. Every year we participate in the “Light the Night” walk to raise money for the National Leukemia and Lymphoma society. You would love that we make such a big deal about how special you were. Also, on your birthday, our family and your close friends go out to dinner and reminisce about all of your shenanigans. Most of your friends are married now and have families of their own. It's a bittersweet feeling sometimes because I wish you were here with a family of your own. Your friends mean so much to our family and we are grateful that they are still a part of our lives.
            You will always be an inspiration to me. You showed a tremendous amount of courage when you were sick and never once complained. I have never seen such a fighter. Whenever something tough is going on in my life, I think about what you went through and know that I can get through anything. Thank you for all that you did for me and taught me. You are always in my heart and I love you Jessie Bear.

Your Little Sister

Wordless Wednesday...

Monday, November 28, 2011

Miscellaneous Monday

1.) Today Ruby had her 2 year check up with our doctor. She is officially growing like a weed. The highlight of her appointment was wearing the toddler hospital gown... she cried when we had to take her "dress" off and give it back to the nurse. Scott told Ruby he will be getting her a hospital gown for her Christmas present. She was thrilled. :)

2.) This weekend I had to finish raking the leaves for the last yard-waste pickup of the year. Of course I picked the one day when we were in a wind advisory to finish... 50 mph wind gusts and all. Not the wisest decision I have ever made and next year I will not procrastinate. 

3.) Santa's sleigh drove by Scott's mom and dad's house last night (a yearly tradition in their city). Ruby was so excited when she got to wave to Santa. 

4.) It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas in our house. Our tree is up and holiday music is everywhere. Ruby really enjoyed decorating this year, her favorite part was putting all of the ornaments in little clusters all over the tree. 

5.) In 14 school days I will be on winter break. I will have 19 whole days to relax and enjoy some family time... I can hardly wait!

Happy Monday!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Holiday Traditions...

As a fourth grade teacher, I often talk with my students about their family traditions. Each time I have so many students tell me that their families don't really have any traditions. At first I thought maybe they didn't know what a tradition was, but even after they understood the meaning, they still had no traditions to share with the class. It makes me sad to think that some of the kids in my class don't have any holiday traditions. I never want Ruby to grow up feeling that way, so I always try and make our traditions a big deal for her. 

Every year I look forward to our holiday traditions. One day each year all of my aunts, uncles, and cousins gather at one of our relatives houses and makes a German sausage called potato bologna... all from scratch. It's sounds terrible, but it's delicious. On Christmas Eve we all enjoy our hard labor. We have done this for generations and Sunday we will continue this tradition. We have pictures of us as kids, sticking our hands in the large containers of meat and chopped potatoes to mix it all up. Our faces of disgust were always priceless. The one job everyone dreads is the peeling and chopping of the many pounds of onions. We always have a lot of fun and make many memories. I can't wait to have Ruby help us this year. 

 Some other traditions we enjoy are visiting Santa, decorating cookies with our families, making gingerbread houses and a new one we started this year was taking Ruby to the downtown lighting ceremony downtown. Last night we headed to the Old Market with Scott's mom and dad after a day of feasting to see the lights. The weather was perfect and Ruby was so excited to be with her family. It was a perfect night and a beautiful sight.

Ruby, Dad, Grandma and Grandpa waiting patiently...

Excited face when she saw the lights come on

Over 1 million lights... stunning.


The skyline

Thursday, November 24, 2011

A Thankful Heart...

Thankful for many things this year...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

I am blank...

I got this idea from one of my favorite blogs: Little Miss Momma

I am weird because...

I get really embarrassed for other people.
I am terrified of heights.
I like dogs more than I like most people.
I still like to watch cartoons and read children's books.
I am terrified to speak in front of people, but I'm a fourth grade teacher.
I always avoid any type of confrontation.

I am a bad friend because...

I don't like to go out much these days.
I usually text instead of call.
I don't always follow through on my promises.
I can go long periods of time without checking in on them. :(

I am a good friend because...

I have had the same two best friends for over 20 years.
I would do anything to help a friend (as long as it's legal).
I wear my heart on my sleeve.
I like to listen to people's problems.

I am sad because...

I would love to be a stay-at-home mom.
I keep getting so many medical bills.
I don't workout as much as I would like to.
I miss my sister who passed away from leukemia.

I take things for granted some times.

I am happy because...

My neurologist is optimistic about my future.
Ruby is growing up to be a healthy, happy, and sweet girl.
I love everything about the holidays.
I have the most amazing family.

I am excited for...

Christmas traditions.
Going sledding with Ruby this winter.
Snow days.
Two weeks off of work to spend time with my family.
The future.

Happy Thanksgiving Eve!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Here and Now...

Sometimes it's hard for me to live in the moment and to appreciate each day I am given. It seems like I am always worrying about what is going to happen in the future. Lately I have been trying to stop thinking about what's happening tomorrow and really think about how lucky I am to be given today with the people I love. Here are some quotes via Pinterest that inspire me to stop and smell the roses and a reminder to seize the day. Happy Sunday!


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Hot Diggity Dog...

On November 15, 2011, Ruby turned two! We had a few "paw-ties" and lots of fun to celebrate her special day

Some of our puppy decor

The "pupcakes" turned out perfectly

So excited!

Instead of party hats, we wore dog ears and bandanas


We used dog bowls to serve the food, which we plan to donate to the humane society.

Pin the tail on Penelope.

Happy Birthday!

Practicing showing how old she is.

Birthday morning doughnut

Lunch at Panera... you love the black bean soup!

Visiting puppies.

Your party with just the family.

Mommy loves you!