Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Hello 2012!

I always look forward to a new year. Usually I don't make resolutions because I never keep them. This year, the one resolution I made is to take time each day to appreciate the little moments. After I cleaned up from dinner tonight, Ruby and I were playing in her room and we had the tickle war of the century. She has the cutest laugh that comes from way down in the gut. We were having the best time ever. Those are the little moments I want to take time to appreciate every single day. It's moments like those that get me through each day. 

This year I have many big hopes:

*A healthy family...

*To find a job that doesn't stress me out so much...

*A bigger house... (sigh)

*Marrying my best friend... 

*Another little one...

Wow... I really have my work cut out for me this year!

Cheers and Happy New Year!

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