Monday, December 26, 2011


I'm officially exhausted, but what a wonderful Christmas celebration we had! We enjoyed every minute spending time with our family, devouring delicious holiday food, and watching Ruby take it all in. 

Some of my favorite Ruby moments during the celebrations:

When she said, "Nice car daddy!" while waiting to be buckled into her car seat.

After a very long Christmas day, when I tucked her in a little late she told me, "No sleep, me play toys." 

Her learning to play hide-in-go-seek with her cousins.

Her nearly crying when we told her that Santa had come to our house during the night... I must be teaching her well about stranger danger!

Trying to explain to her who baby Jesus was.  

The cute little expression on her face and her bed head when she woke up Christmas morning.

Her riding around on the Minnie Mouse scooter my mom and dad got her... it was terrifying and hilarious all at the same time. 

Ruby having to open all of her gifts in her new tent.

We hope you all had a very happy holiday!

Some light holiday reading...

Sugar cookies with Grandma

Mommy's favorite gift!

Last Christmas Eve at my Grandpa's house... bittersweet.

A new tent from Mr. Claus

He must have been good this year!

Dancing babies!

Grandma's way of giving me a heart attack! (She also got a helmet for Christmas!)

Cousins in dots.


Fun with my aunt.

1 comment:

Lori said...

looks like you had a great Christmas! Ruby is adorable and i love her little scooter :)