Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Summer To-Do List....

As a teacher, I am blessed to have the summer off with my family. I love teaching, but I love my family more and can't imagine being in a profession where I had to work year round. I try to savor every second because I know it will be over before I know it. Here is a list of some things I would love to do this summer. Wow, I have a lot to do, I better get started...

1. Visit the ocean (San Diego was amazing!)
2. Girls weekend trip
3. Plant an herb garden (It's growing like crazy!)
4. Start to potty train Ruby
5. Organize my basement (It's going to be a long process)
6. Paint my living room (In two weeks hopefully)
7. Exercise daily
8. Go bowling
9. See a beautiful fireworks display
10. Go to a baseball game (CWS Virgina v. South Carolina)
11. Read The Help
12. Get a pedicure (Don't know what took me so long to try this!)
13. Start making hair accessories
14. Work on some lessons for my classroom
15. Get all dressed up for a fancy dinner date with Scott
16. Stop giving Ruby a pacifier
17. Wash all of our windows
18. Regrow all of the grass the dogs have trampled (It's getting there.)
19. Stargaze in our backyard with a glass of wine
20. Learn how to knit
21. Put a years worth of pictures into photo albums
22. Get Ruby to enjoy swimming
23. Use coupons 
24. Go to the Botanical Gardens
25. Make something with Ruby at the pottery store.
26. Go fishing
27. Plan my parent's 35th wedding anniversary
28. Relax by a bonfire
29. Create a budget
30. Enjoy spending this free time with my family

Here are some pictures of a fun day Ruby and I shared today:
Water table

Bubbles or as Ruby calls them: "bubbas" 

Walk to the park

Slide time!

Cute foot
Happy Summer!

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