Sunday, January 6, 2013

Christmas Recap...

This is a couple weeks late, but here is our Christmas recap. We had a wonderful time soaking in all of the festivities with our families.

My favorite moments from Christmas 2012:

Ruby panting like a dog with excitement when we drove around to look at lights... or decorations, as she likes to call them.

When she woke up Christmas morning, the first thing she said when she saw all of the presents, "Santa is soooo nice!"

My first time making Christmas Eve dinner for my family, we feasted on our families traditional potato bologna.

Decorating delicious sugar cookies. Ruby insisted on putting lots of sprinkles on them.

Cuddling on the couch and watching Christmas movies with my two loves.

Waking up every morning and helping Ruby find the silly Elf.

Beautiful Christmas music.

Taking Ruby sledding for technically the first time and watching her giggle each time she would fly down the hill on her purple sled.

Seeing her play with all of her cousins on Christmas.

Sleeping in almost every day...

Enjoying all of the snowy days by staying warm inside and baking.

Seeing the beautiful smile on Ruby's face when she saw her little trampoline by the Christmas tree.

Going downtown to see the festival lights and enjoying ice cream together.

Taking Ruby to see the Madeline's Christmas performance.

It really is the best time of the year!

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