Friday, June 8, 2012

Ruby 2.5...

On May 15th, my little Ruby turned 2 and 1/2 years old. The time is just flying right on by so naturally, I decided to get her pictures taken. Everyone always jokes with me and calls me the "Mommarazzi" because I am always taking pictures of Ruby. All that I know is when I am old someday, I will not regret taking so many pictures of the fun times we have. We ended up going to one of Ruby's favorite parks to get her pictures taken. She was really shy at first, but after about 30 seconds, her inner diva came out:

Ruby's 2.5 Favorites:

Food: Cheetos or Grilled Chicken
Hobby: Blowing Bubbles
Toy: Baby Dolls
Color: Purple
Place to go: Zoo or Dog Park
T.V Show: Caillou
Song: You Are My Sunshine
Friends: Winston and Darby (Her Dogs)

Ruby's 2.5 Accomplishments:

Potty training (Yay!)
Drinking from a regular cup
Flossing her teeth
Getting her clothes on

Ruby's 2.5 New Words or Phrases:

Will you help me please?
I love you big!
Mimi Sue, Darby Sue, and Daddy Sue
Look at that scary Monster!
I will not go potty in my nonnies (undies) 

Happy 2.5 Ruby!


Naptime Review said...

Ruby is so cute! Her and my daughter would have fun ;) New follower from Wiegand hop. Love for you to follow back when you get a chance.

Lissa @ her + him said...

aww ruby! happy 2.5- you're too cute!! :)

Unknown said...

Happy 2.5! So adorable. You & I would get along great. I have thousands of photos of my little ones. They see a camera, they say cheese. Visiting from Naptime Review Hop!

Gina said...

Cute pictures! Kid pictures are my absolute favorite. :)