Friday, November 25, 2011

Holiday Traditions...

As a fourth grade teacher, I often talk with my students about their family traditions. Each time I have so many students tell me that their families don't really have any traditions. At first I thought maybe they didn't know what a tradition was, but even after they understood the meaning, they still had no traditions to share with the class. It makes me sad to think that some of the kids in my class don't have any holiday traditions. I never want Ruby to grow up feeling that way, so I always try and make our traditions a big deal for her. 

Every year I look forward to our holiday traditions. One day each year all of my aunts, uncles, and cousins gather at one of our relatives houses and makes a German sausage called potato bologna... all from scratch. It's sounds terrible, but it's delicious. On Christmas Eve we all enjoy our hard labor. We have done this for generations and Sunday we will continue this tradition. We have pictures of us as kids, sticking our hands in the large containers of meat and chopped potatoes to mix it all up. Our faces of disgust were always priceless. The one job everyone dreads is the peeling and chopping of the many pounds of onions. We always have a lot of fun and make many memories. I can't wait to have Ruby help us this year. 

 Some other traditions we enjoy are visiting Santa, decorating cookies with our families, making gingerbread houses and a new one we started this year was taking Ruby to the downtown lighting ceremony downtown. Last night we headed to the Old Market with Scott's mom and dad after a day of feasting to see the lights. The weather was perfect and Ruby was so excited to be with her family. It was a perfect night and a beautiful sight.

Ruby, Dad, Grandma and Grandpa waiting patiently...

Excited face when she saw the lights come on

Over 1 million lights... stunning.


The skyline

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