Thursday, October 27, 2011


I normally don't like posting about myself, but I have had a heavy heart lately.

It's funny how fast life can change. In a matter of seconds on September 13th, I experienced one of those moments. It all started when I woke up that Tuesday morning and I struggled to read the time on the alarm clock. It was much blurrier than normal and I quickly went into panic mode. I got out of bed and attempted to walk around but I couldn't even walk a few steps without losing my balance. I thought I might be having a migraine, but I wasn't sure, so I got an appointment that same day with my doctor. 

I arrived at the doctor thinking I would get a prescription and be sent on my way. My doctor sent me to the hospital instead to get an MRI. The next day I found out that I had an abnormal spot on my brain. I couldn't believe what was happening to me. The thought of possibly not being around to watch Ruby grow up was more than I could bare. My doctor told me that that this spot was called a lesion and these are commonly found in multiple sclerosis patients. I was terrified. Over the next couple of days my vision returned and I began to feel better. 

Through it all Ruby was so sweet to me. If I was napping, she would cover me up and let me sleep with her beloved penguin. When she would see my water bottle, she would chase me around so she could give it to me saying, "mommy waty." Seeing her smiling face always makes me feel better (She is going to make a great mommy some day.) My mom has also been so much help the past few weeks. I don't think I would have gotten through those few days when I couldn't see without her. I am lucky to have so many wonderful people in my life.

 A month and a half later, I am almost back to normal. Yesterday I had my first appointment with the leading multiple sclerosis doctor in the state. She told me that she thinks I am in the early stages of multiple sclerosis. Although it's scary not knowing what will happen in the future, I am thankful because I know it could have been a lot worse. My doctor told me I will still live a long and happy life, she also said that I can still have lots of babies. :) For now, I am trying my best to look on the bright side of this situation and to appreciate all of the time I get to spend with the people I love. I am going to keep living life as I normally would, but now I might have a few more worries to add to my list.


Digger said...

Wow. Thank you for sharing this. I am so happy that you are ok and that you are seeing the bright side. I found your blog from the follower fest and am so happy I did. I can't wait to read more about you and your darling family. Thank you for sharing!!

Digger ~xoxo~

Sarah {the fontenot four} said...

Oh my goodness! Prayers for you! I am a new follower from followers fest...still trying to catch up!