Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Last Week of Freedom...

Next week I go back to work after a long, but seemingly short summer with Ruby. We have had a summer filled with swimming, barbeques, vacation, watermelon, library visits, trips to the zoo, walks, playing at the park, etc. As a final summer send-off Ruby and I are going to do something really fun each day this week. Here is our fun to-do list for our last week together:

Monday: We went out for lunch together and got some really neat bubble toys to play with.
Tuesday: We went to the duck pond to feed the ducks bread. All of the ducks were MIA so we fed the fish and a cute little otter. Ruby kept calling the otter "puppy". 
Wednesday: We are planning on a fun day at the zoo. (Pending weather)
Thursday: We are going to visit our friend animals at the Humane Society.
Friday: We will visit the Children's Museum or the Forest.

It's such a bittersweet time when summer comes to an end. I am not looking forward to the long days away from Ruby. Goodbye summer... until we meet again.

Also, I have a major milestone to report: Ruby went potty on the toilet! :) Let the real fun begin...

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