Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I've realized something over the past few weeks. Ruby hates things touching her feet. 

Every morning we have our daily battle over putting shoes on. After we finally get them on, she is fine. When it's time to cut her toe nails, well let's not even go there... 

A few weeks ago after Scott mowed the lawn I was letting Ruby play outside in the grass barefoot and she started freaking out because grass was on her feet. She would start crying then lift her foot up to me and point to the little blades of grass covering her feet. I'm sensing a little bit of OCD or maybe she's just really particular. :)

Then on our trip we took Ruby to the beach to play in the sand. I thought she would love it, boy was I wrong. She screamed and pointed to the sand on her feet. She didn't stop crying until every grain of sand was off of her feet. It's kind of cute how she freaks out over the funniest things.

She has it rough doesn't she?! I don't remember being this high maintenance when I was younger. I'm hoping this passes soon...

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