Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Summer To-Do List....

As a teacher, I am blessed to have the summer off with my family. I love teaching, but I love my family more and can't imagine being in a profession where I had to work year round. I try to savor every second because I know it will be over before I know it. Here is a list of some things I would love to do this summer. Wow, I have a lot to do, I better get started...

1. Visit the ocean (San Diego was amazing!)
2. Girls weekend trip
3. Plant an herb garden (It's growing like crazy!)
4. Start to potty train Ruby
5. Organize my basement (It's going to be a long process)
6. Paint my living room (In two weeks hopefully)
7. Exercise daily
8. Go bowling
9. See a beautiful fireworks display
10. Go to a baseball game (CWS Virgina v. South Carolina)
11. Read The Help
12. Get a pedicure (Don't know what took me so long to try this!)
13. Start making hair accessories
14. Work on some lessons for my classroom
15. Get all dressed up for a fancy dinner date with Scott
16. Stop giving Ruby a pacifier
17. Wash all of our windows
18. Regrow all of the grass the dogs have trampled (It's getting there.)
19. Stargaze in our backyard with a glass of wine
20. Learn how to knit
21. Put a years worth of pictures into photo albums
22. Get Ruby to enjoy swimming
23. Use coupons 
24. Go to the Botanical Gardens
25. Make something with Ruby at the pottery store.
26. Go fishing
27. Plan my parent's 35th wedding anniversary
28. Relax by a bonfire
29. Create a budget
30. Enjoy spending this free time with my family

Here are some pictures of a fun day Ruby and I shared today:
Water table

Bubbles or as Ruby calls them: "bubbas" 

Walk to the park

Slide time!

Cute foot
Happy Summer!


Monday, June 27, 2011


"Some of us think holding on makes us strong, but sometimes it is letting go." ~Herman Hesse

"Remember that everyone you meet is afraid of
something, loves something, and has lost something."
~H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Ruby has a new quote that she say's constantly: "Shhhh, dada night night!" While she's saying it, she puts her finger to her mouth to tell everyone to be quiet. It is pretty adorable and I am so proud to have such a considerate daughter. :) I'm sure her daddy appreciates it too, considering he works nights.


And here's a reminder to stop and smell the roses:

New Endeavor...

So as a way to relieve stress (more on that another day), I have started making hair accessories. Here are a few pictures of my new hobby:

Vintage inspired yo yo flower clips...

I think these would look gorgeous with a simple updo!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Daddy's Girl

Today is the one day each year we celebrate dads. I am so thankful everyday that Ruby is blessed with a wonderful dad. I love watching those two peas in a pod play together. He can sure make her laugh... a lot. I can't believe how much they are starting to act just like one another. Ruby definitely has her daddy wrapped around her little finger. I love these two. Happy Father's Day Scott!

Ruby and her daddy's favorite things to do together: wrestle with the dogs, say silly things about mommy that usually aren't true, draw on sidewalk with chalk, read, dance in the car, share dessert, burp loud (I have to constantly remind them this is not lady like), play catch with a rubber ball, and clean.

Today I am also thankful for my own dad. He is an incredible man who would do anything for his family. I have learned so much from him over the years and I am so happy to call him my dad. I love you daddy and Happy Father's day!

Here's a song to all the wonderful dads out there:

Thursday, June 16, 2011

What a Joy...

My family hasn't had professional pictures taken in probably over a decade. With my parent's 35th wedding anniversary right around the corner, I thought pictures would be the perfect present for them. Here are a few of my favorites from the day, Enjoy:


Just the three of us.

18 Months

We took the pictures out on my grandpa's land... beautiful.

35 years.

3 generations

So big.

My favorite of the day.

Picking wildflowers.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I've realized something over the past few weeks. Ruby hates things touching her feet. 

Every morning we have our daily battle over putting shoes on. After we finally get them on, she is fine. When it's time to cut her toe nails, well let's not even go there... 

A few weeks ago after Scott mowed the lawn I was letting Ruby play outside in the grass barefoot and she started freaking out because grass was on her feet. She would start crying then lift her foot up to me and point to the little blades of grass covering her feet. I'm sensing a little bit of OCD or maybe she's just really particular. :)

Then on our trip we took Ruby to the beach to play in the sand. I thought she would love it, boy was I wrong. She screamed and pointed to the sand on her feet. She didn't stop crying until every grain of sand was off of her feet. It's kind of cute how she freaks out over the funniest things.

She has it rough doesn't she?! I don't remember being this high maintenance when I was younger. I'm hoping this passes soon...

Monday, June 13, 2011

California Dreaming...

Last week we were lucky to spend five days in San Diego. There is so much to see and do in San Diego that we were on the go much of our trip. I realized how hard it is to travel with a toddler. Here's how it went down.

Day 1: Ruby did great on the airplane. Arrived in San Diego very early in the morning and got our rental car. We couldn't check into our hotel until late afternoon so we had several hours to kill. We spent the morning at the harbor where we ate breakfast and window shopped. Then with still more time to kill, we went to the Children's pool in La Jolla to watch the seals and sat there and sat some more and yet some more. Might I mention it is very hard to entertain a toddler who has just sat on an airplane for a couple hours with no nap. Finally we checked into our hotel, Ruby threw up twice (we think from teething), and we were all in bed by 7... a very exhausting day.

Airplane fun...

Carrying her Magnadoodle around the harbor

La Jolla Children's Pool

Sweet Face

Day 2: We all woke up refreshed bright and early (and not used to the time difference). We headed to the San Diego Zoo. The minute we walked in we knew that this zoo was going to put our zoo to shame. It is huge! They have so many different animals. We really loved seeing the koalas, pandas, tortoises, and many more. Ruby's favorite of the day were the camels. She thought they were so funny. Our feet were very sore by the end of the zoo trip but it was awesome to see the different habitats they have for the many animals. We didn't even see the entire zoo so we decided now we have an excuse to go back soon. We ended that night with dinner at a great Mexican restaurant by our hotel and a short walk to the beach in La Jolla. Ruby cried the entire time at the beach. I think she was scared of the loud waves, etc. Poor girl, I think we scarred her for life on this trip.


Ruby's Favorite

Waited in line 20 min for this... so worth it.

Day 3: We woke up early and headed to Sea World. I was so excited for this outing. We started by feeding the seals, well trying to feed the seals. I bought a tray of fish and as I was about to feed the first seal, I was attack by a seagull. He smacked right into the back of my head and while I stood stunned in midscream, he took off with my tray of fish. I thought I was being mugged (and technically I was). I am calling him a "him" because no lady should act like that. I provided quite the laughs at the seal tank that day, Scott will probably never let me live that down. He felt bad and bought me more fish, but I was too terrified to try it again. Then we headed off to the Shamu show. Ruby really enjoyed watching the whales or "fish" as she likes to call them. She swayed to the music and pointed each time one would leap out of the water. We also watched a great show with pets doing tricks. By about noon, Ruby had had enough of Sea World. She started getting really cranky so we had to quickly look around and head to the hotel for a nap. That evening we went to visit my aunt and uncle who live in San Diego. We ate dinner there and Ruby got to play with her two cousins. Ruby needed that chance to just relax and play. It was so nice seeing my family.

Shamu show

I love this guy.


Seals we fed

Day 4: By this day our feet were tired and we were exhausted. I kept telling Scott that we needed a vacation from our vacation. We decided to head to the Wild Animal park in Escondido. We didn't really know what to expect from this trip but were excited to see the park. This day turned out to be fabulous. We went on a tram around part of the park and saw all of these African animals in their natural habitats. It's pretty incredible to see several giraffes running up a huge hill. Ruby was in awe. She was so content sitting on the tram seeing all of these beautiful animals. We walked around for a long time exploring the whole park, played in the discovery zone, we ate lunch, then we headed to petting area. We got to pet some African deer. Ruby was squealing with delight. I loved watching her and Scott explore together... it was adorable. Before we left the parking lot, Ruby was fast asleep. That night we  ate at a quaint little candle-lit restaurant in La Jolla. Ruby loved listening to the pianist play beautiful music. We had amazing seafood and a wonderful time together as a family. It was one of those perfect days that happen once in a blue moon.

Waiting for the safari tram

So wonderful


These two are adorable

Here favorite log.

She cried when we had to leave the log.

Having a great day!

Petting the deer


After our family dinner in La Jolla

Day 5: Our last day in San Diego. We went to the Children's Pool one last time to see the seals. Then we headed to Point Loma to explore the tide pools. As soon as we parked the car, Ruby threw up all over inside the car. Knowing she wasn't feeling good, we only stayed at the tide pools for a short time, although we did get some smiles out of her when we were there. Then we did some last minute San Diego shopping. Our trip was coming to an end. We dropped the very smelly car off and headed to the airport. After some very long flights with a very cranky 18 month old, we finally walked into our house around 2:00am. It felt so nice to be home sweet home!

Tide Pools


Even through all the Ruby tantrums, terrible sleep, throw-up, and stress... I had a fabulous time with the two loves of my life and can't wait to go on another family adventure!