Saturday, April 2, 2011

NO, NO, NO...

Ruby has become quite the chatter box. All day long she talks and talks and talks. As of lately Ruby has learned several new words and phrases. She now says: "I see," "butt," "Darby," "Layla," "more," "thank you" and "oh." About a week ago she also started saying "no!" Little did we know that this would become her new favorite word; she says it all the time and I'm not exaggerating. Here is how a typical days sounds in our house now:

Me: Ruby, did you sleep well?
Ruby: No!

Me: Ruby, did you poop?
Ruby: No!

Me: Ruby, are you hungry?
Ruby: No!

Me: Ruby, do you love mommy?
Ruby: No!

Me: Ruby, do you want to go on a walk?
Ruby: No!

She has turned into a "no" monster. We have had so much fun watching her on her journey to becoming a little talking toddler.

I don't think she would say no to her penguins though. 

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