Sunday, April 24, 2011

An EGGcellent Weekend...

This weekend was filled with all of the traditional Easter festivities. Ruby got to dye eggs twice and couldn't get enough of it. Her little eyes would light up when she would plop the eggs into the containers of dye. Today Ruby had three Easter egg hunts. No that wasn't a typo, three egg hunts! She had such a great time searching for each egg in the yards. I cherish these perfect days spent with our family.

Dying eggs with Grandma 

Help from grandpa

Look Grandma!

Treasures from the Easter Bunny

Easter Smiles

Her first egg hunt at our home

Post egg hunt

Pretty girl

The last Easter at Great-Grandpa's Farm... so many memories

Going for a walk

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Since the day Ruby was born, I look at the world differently. I never thought being a parent would have so many ups and downs. Definitely more ups than downs I might add. I never imagined I could feel so much love for such a tiny person. These are some of my favorite things about her:

1.) She is very much an outdoor person.
2.) On weekends when I'm really tired, I wake up to her saying, "Momma!" in the monitor.
3.) When she eats fruit, she has to drink the juice at the bottom of the bowl.
4.) Anytime we go for a ride in the red wagon she laughs almost the entire time.
5.) When I'm trying to clean, she will chase me around to try and crawl through my legs.
6.) She loves M&Ms and calls them: "num, nums."
7.) The way she sits, crawls on, and kisses the dogs.
8.) How grouchy she is when she has to wake up early... not a morning person.
9.) When she walks up to me out of the blue and gives me kiss or sits on my lap.
10.) Every night I rock her sleep and sing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" she says, "MORE" at least 5 times.
11.) The way she says "I love you."

Here are some cute quotes I found about being a parent:

"Making the decision to have a child is momentous.  It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body."  ~Elizabeth Stone

"Always kiss your children goodnight - even if they're already asleep."  ~H. Jackson Brown Jr.

 "A mother's treasure is her daughter."  ~Catherine Pulsifer

"A daughter is the happy memories of the past, the joyful moments of the present, and the hope and promise of the future."  ~Author Unknown

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Spring Shenanigans...

Ruby has been as busy as ever. Lately she has been visiting "time-out" for being Little Miss Trouble. I can't even begin to count how many times I've been slapped in the last two weeks. I wonder if Ruby is starting to think that her name is "No." I'm starting to dread the terrible twos. :) Is there even such a thing at the terrible ones? Luckily she is not a fan of "time-outs." After her never-ending minute there, she is ready to hug it out and play some more. It is really hard to get mad at her though when she always has such a cute little grin on her face. I'm blaming it on her dad, from what I hear, he was quite the trouble maker when he was younger too. Or else it's the teething.

In other news...

NEW WORDS: Ruby has been saying this week include: pepper, somebody, nobody, more, bird, and eyes. She also started singing "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star." Hearing her sing is one of the sweetest things I've ever heard.

NEW FOODS: I finally caught Ruby eating her first bite of dog food. I knew this was inevitable though her facial expression told me she wasn't a fan. Last week we went out to eat with my brother at Cantina Laredo and Ruby couldn't get enough guacamole or salsa. She was trying to eat the salsa with a spoon. She loves spicy food.

NEW EXPERIENCES: Playing in her new sandbox has been hours of fun. She loves picking up handfuls of sand and sprinkling it all over. I thought she would try to eat it, but so far she has only tried to eat one rock from the sandbox. My near heart attack scared her so much that I assume she won't be trying it again.

The countdown to summer has begun. I can't wait to spend the summer with my loves Scott and Ruby.

5 Weeks...

Saturday, April 2, 2011

NO, NO, NO...

Ruby has become quite the chatter box. All day long she talks and talks and talks. As of lately Ruby has learned several new words and phrases. She now says: "I see," "butt," "Darby," "Layla," "more," "thank you" and "oh." About a week ago she also started saying "no!" Little did we know that this would become her new favorite word; she says it all the time and I'm not exaggerating. Here is how a typical days sounds in our house now:

Me: Ruby, did you sleep well?
Ruby: No!

Me: Ruby, did you poop?
Ruby: No!

Me: Ruby, are you hungry?
Ruby: No!

Me: Ruby, do you love mommy?
Ruby: No!

Me: Ruby, do you want to go on a walk?
Ruby: No!

She has turned into a "no" monster. We have had so much fun watching her on her journey to becoming a little talking toddler.

I don't think she would say no to her penguins though.